This is a pretty controversial subject, and not so politically correct these days. No Politicians will touch on this subject, and the ones that "sort of" do, really don't at all. What am I talking about? Well, what the bible says about being gay. As I read my Bible, I see that it's an abomination to be gay. God actually thinks it's an abomination to be in a same sex relationship.
So, I wonder, hmmm, what Bible are you gay people reading? Is it one that is especially printed to fit the gay mentality? Do you have the publishers leave out all the abomination parts so that you can live in a sinful relationship and feel okay about it?
I've always wondered how a "gay" pastor can preach that same sex relationships are right with God. Because, frankly, they aren't. God abhors homosexuality. It's as simple as that; Gods hates the sin of homosexuality.
Now let's be clear on one point. God does not hate the sinner, but He does hate sin. Gay = Sin. I know there is a lot of talk about being born gay. That is a lie, plain and simple. No one is born gay. Being gay is a choice. Just like we choose to do any other sin, being gay is a choice that one enters in to. One chooses to participate in the gay lifestyle, and therefore sin lifestyle.
Some may say that they have felt gay "feelings" all of their life, and as far as I'm concerned that can be true. We are born into sin. Having been born into sin it's no wonder some feel these gay urges at a very young age. But let me remind you that these feelings, or urges will come upon a person because of demonic activity in that persons life, area, home, family members, and/or friends, or any other influence that represents gayness.
There is no doubt that there are demonic heirarchies that fight the gay battle. This is just another way satan tries to manipulate us into foregoing a relationship with Jesus and entering into a lifestyle that leads to hell. Make no mistake; stay in the gay mindset and you will not enter into heaven.
I have personally seen gay advocates scoff at the concept of missing out on heaven because of being gay. They laugh and say that hell would be more fun. This is a grave misnomer, and an eternal mistake on their part. Repentance from gay bondage is the only way to be free from the chains of sinful sex.
Now, we must remember that to be tempted is not sin. Sin happens when we give in to temptation and take part in the forbidden activity. So, to struggle with feelings of gayness is not sin. Though I highly recommend that you get annointed and prayed over by the elders of a God fearing, bible based Church and get deliverd from these feelings. There is no reason for you to suffer the horrible urges of homosexuality.
Well there it is, the truth about being gay. If you have any questions, please feel free to write.
Do you give to people with the
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tapping the Masses
Well, my meager attempt to squeeze a buck from Joe Blow failed miserably. Not one person paypaled even a penny to - If you didn't catch that blog, it was a plea for anyone to send whatever they could afford to send, to the above email address and then have their name listed (if they so desired) as a donator and someone who was an actual "giver" and thereby qualified to be "given" unto. A sort of give and it shall be given unto you type of thing.
I guess I should just keep my faith in God, because mankind really deserves little if any. The hero ratio out there in the big bad world is small to say the least, but even heros are cheap when it comes to money. I mean when have you ever read a comic where the hero saved the people buy giving cash?
This is a short shpeal today, I'm kinda tired I guess. Or maybe just disappointed.
I guess I should just keep my faith in God, because mankind really deserves little if any. The hero ratio out there in the big bad world is small to say the least, but even heros are cheap when it comes to money. I mean when have you ever read a comic where the hero saved the people buy giving cash?
This is a short shpeal today, I'm kinda tired I guess. Or maybe just disappointed.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Lovers and Drugs
It's obvious to users who comes first in such a relationship, thought the heart would disagree, the screaming hee-bee-gee-bees rule all. And, it's all touchy feely when the table is full, and famish seems so far away. But as day turns into night, so does the last line-up eventually come. Then pow! Anger gets a foot hold, and then BOOM! Selfishness strangles the once loved. (sounds like a batman fight scene). But, oh so true are the battles that white powder creates in the mind of the addicted. The cared for morph into the careless, and the powder screams at a hz level bound to deafen even the non-hearing. Or maybe it's just the soul that's losing the ability to hear, feel, and love. Beat to death with mortar and pestle, ground up into fine dust and sniffed up the nose of envy.
Ramble, ramble, trusle, trone, into the boiling pit of gravy I go. And when the meat is soft, no woman wants you anymore. And they lie and tell you it's in sequential. old is like a life sentence to blood thinners and hypertensive meds, all contrived to defeat your manhood. Feel sorry for me he whispers into his pillow, and a tear rolls salty down his check. Just like a little girl he thinks to himself, who cries like this, not real men on TV. Cramps from chocolate ice cream, and gas that rattles down the isles of the supermarket. But the noise covers the gag, and only the close laugh at the smelly joke. Are you laughing? no. Cause the cramps are threatening a worst type of embarrassment. Flip a coin, take a guess; guess wrong and make a mess.And do you also wet your fingers before wiping? Can you truly love someone with a condom on your dick? Where's the closeness, the "I feel myself inside you, and I feel you inside me." But it's safe that way, and safe is always better. Let's not ride big waves, or climb mountains, or ski steep hills. No more sky diving, or swimming in dangerous waters. But if the waters cold we wear a condom of sorts, don't we? So, if sex is cold, and without feeling, then a condom seems only natural. Why shiver when making sex, for love is not for the making, or the taking, just for giving if you know how, and most of us don't anymore. So we straw our noses, and toot to the beat of the little white line. More later, I'm sure.
Ramble, ramble, trusle, trone, into the boiling pit of gravy I go. And when the meat is soft, no woman wants you anymore. And they lie and tell you it's in sequential. old is like a life sentence to blood thinners and hypertensive meds, all contrived to defeat your manhood. Feel sorry for me he whispers into his pillow, and a tear rolls salty down his check. Just like a little girl he thinks to himself, who cries like this, not real men on TV. Cramps from chocolate ice cream, and gas that rattles down the isles of the supermarket. But the noise covers the gag, and only the close laugh at the smelly joke. Are you laughing? no. Cause the cramps are threatening a worst type of embarrassment. Flip a coin, take a guess; guess wrong and make a mess.And do you also wet your fingers before wiping? Can you truly love someone with a condom on your dick? Where's the closeness, the "I feel myself inside you, and I feel you inside me." But it's safe that way, and safe is always better. Let's not ride big waves, or climb mountains, or ski steep hills. No more sky diving, or swimming in dangerous waters. But if the waters cold we wear a condom of sorts, don't we? So, if sex is cold, and without feeling, then a condom seems only natural. Why shiver when making sex, for love is not for the making, or the taking, just for giving if you know how, and most of us don't anymore. So we straw our noses, and toot to the beat of the little white line. More later, I'm sure.
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- InkBlogger
- I have squandered a large portion of my life, but have met a lovely lady, whom I married 21 years ago. Since then we have pro-created two boys; rays of sunshine. Though my kidneys have failed me, my God, and my family have not.