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Thursday, April 15, 2010

A new lease on life?

It seems like I can either just let go and wither away hooked up to a blood cleansing machine watching all the mouth breathers turned to living bone, and eventually join the group. Or. and this is a big or. I can really try, which basically is a form of pretending to be okay, and thus pretend becomes reality. And it works, it's biblical,and it really works. So, for today I walked the dog and I felt good. I watched a couple of young surfers travel around the world on TV and it was nice to see the joy in their faces. It made me feel good, and I for a moment, could experience life in an odd way.

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I have squandered a large portion of my life, but have met a lovely lady, whom I married 21 years ago. Since then we have pro-created two boys; rays of sunshine. Though my kidneys have failed me, my God, and my family have not.