Well it's a new day, a new dawn, and I'm feeling like I wanna puke. Haven't slept much lately, and I have two people to tattoo today. Normally one might say "yeah!", but being an end stage renal type of guy, my feelings are more like, "if I didn't need the money so bad, I'd stay in bed all day."
I'm giving myself, maybe five more minutes to blog, then I'll try and sleep again. It's really amazing at how addicting this whole blogging thing can be. I try to tell my wife to give it a try, but she's down on most things I suggest that are new, and take some time to learn. Not that I'm putting her down, it's just the way she feels. and we're all entitled to our feelings, right?
Okay! I'm wondering if the offer for some kidneys from my older two children are sincere, or emotional. I hate to put it to the test. Am I wrong if I say, okay give me a kidney? Should I take one of theirs? They both have young kids and stuff. I'm really torn about the whole thing. One point that should be mentioned is that I didn't ask, they offered. Whew, I'm so glad I got that off my mind. Does anybody read this? Did I say that already? I'm just typing away, and most of the time I don't go back and re-read these.
I'm a wanna be writer. I've written the beginnings to several horror type stories, and actually completed a rough draft of a kids novelette. So what does it mean if someone follows you? Does that mean they stalk your blogs? Hmmm. Well times up, until I awake fresh, and ready to blog again. Happy trails to you all, until we blog again.
Do you give to people with the
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Dialysis - some new ideas
I've been a dialysis patient for about 4 years. first I was in center doing my 3 days a week, 3 hours a day routine. Then I tried peritoneal; made it 2 years, had my gallbladder taken out, and they infected my catheter canal-peritonitis. So I went back in center for a while. Then I heard about home-hemo dialysis. this is where you can do hemo therapy from the comfort of your own home. This has been the best so far. I have to dialysize 5 days a week, but only for 2 hours. I pick the time when I do it, and I pick the days off. My wife and I are trained, and then pretty much on our own. Once a month with the nurse, and once a month with the doc. My wife draws my labs, and fed-x's them off. All our supplies are shipped to our house, and we have a small area set up to store them, and the equipment. The dialysis machine sits on top of a container for the dialysate water, and on top of that sits the actually dialysis machine (about the size of a microwave). Anyone have any questions about this form of dialysis, feel free to ask.
Home Tattooing
Ask most die hard tattooers if they think home tattooing is a good idea and right away you'll be labeled a scratcher; this loving term basically means you are a no talent, haven't paid your dues bum. A lot of really great artists that came out of the prison scene, can't have credibility merely because of their convict status.
I've been in quite a few tattoo shops, and I must say that a really large portion are practicing bad, really bad habits. Answering phones with dirty gloves, thereby contaminating their stations. Pouring ink with dirty gloves on. You get the idea - I hope.
Now, when these "pros" violate universal precautions, cross-contaminating a plethora of shop items, isn't that the kettle calling the pot black? I mean, it's my home, and of all places, it's the one that I'm more likely to keep clean, and sterile (as is possible).
Then there's the legalities of home tattooing, but here in cali it's almost impossible to survive paying all the inflated commercial property costs, licenses (that are ridiculously high)and still put food on the table. Just between you and me sort of conversations have led me to believe that most tattooers do some sort of home "work". They may not fess up to it, but it's true none the less. Arnold, and Obama have made it almost impossible to not work out of the home.
Less overhead, more comfortable environment, and lets not forget, those sneaky peeps that forget uncle Sam, wink wink.
I've been in quite a few tattoo shops, and I must say that a really large portion are practicing bad, really bad habits. Answering phones with dirty gloves, thereby contaminating their stations. Pouring ink with dirty gloves on. You get the idea - I hope.
Now, when these "pros" violate universal precautions, cross-contaminating a plethora of shop items, isn't that the kettle calling the pot black? I mean, it's my home, and of all places, it's the one that I'm more likely to keep clean, and sterile (as is possible).
Then there's the legalities of home tattooing, but here in cali it's almost impossible to survive paying all the inflated commercial property costs, licenses (that are ridiculously high)and still put food on the table. Just between you and me sort of conversations have led me to believe that most tattooers do some sort of home "work". They may not fess up to it, but it's true none the less. Arnold, and Obama have made it almost impossible to not work out of the home.
Less overhead, more comfortable environment, and lets not forget, those sneaky peeps that forget uncle Sam, wink wink.
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- InkBlogger
- I have squandered a large portion of my life, but have met a lovely lady, whom I married 21 years ago. Since then we have pro-created two boys; rays of sunshine. Though my kidneys have failed me, my God, and my family have not.